Current time in Ethiopia

Sunday, February 22, 2009

UK lawyer: Guantanamo inmate release due Monday

UK lawyer: Guantanamo inmate release due Monday

LONDON (AP) — A human rights lawyer says former British resident Binyam Mohamed is due to be released from Guantanamo Bay on Monday.

The Ethiopian national has been held at the U.S. military prison since September 2004. Terrorism charges against him were dropped last year.

Britain's Foreign Office released a statement Friday saying Mohamed would be returned to the U.K. "as soon as the practical arrangements can be made" but has repeatedly declined to say when exactly they expect him.

Lawyer Clive Stafford Smith could not say on Sunday how or when his client would arrive in the U.K.

Mohamed's military lawyer Lt. Col. Yvonne Bradley says she has no confirmation of when Mohamed is due to return.

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